10 Reasons Why Ulum Al-Azhar
10 Reasons Why
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Our Students's Feedback
Our Students's
" We Are Not Only Teaching, We Inspire "
Noretta Jacob
Tahrirat Program
Tahrirat Program
" I have a better understanding on what is tahrirat. 2) I am more clear on the differences between qiraah, riwayah and thariq, and 3) now I know that I may choose to include different ways of reading the Quran if I wish to do so (provided that I know and have been guided to read the different ways/modes) Thank You
Ulum Al-Azhar Academy Crew
Ulum Al-Azhar Academy
" We Are Not Only Teaching, We Inspire "
Sheikh. Mohamad Yusuf
Board Chief
Sheikh. Mohamad Siddiq Al-hasani
Academic Consultant
Ms. Sahar Samir Shahin
Administration Director
Ustaz Omar Mohamad Abolkol
Administration Assistant
Sheikh. Abdul Qadir Yusuf
Academic Assistant Director
Ustazah. Fatin Eid Nur Addin
Quranic Studies Instructor
Sheikh. Taha Mahdy AlAzhary
Islamic Studies Lecturer
Ustaz. Mustafa AlBarrad
Arabic Language Lecturer
Dr. M7med Saleh
Quranic Studies Instructor
Ustazah. Fatima Ali
Quranic Studies Instructor
Dr. Rawda Essam
Tajweed Studies Instructor
Ustaz. Ahmad Shaban
Quranic Studies Instructor
Ustazah. Syaidatul Humaira
Tajweed Studies Instructor
Ustazah. Sarah Morshedy
Quranic Studies Instructor
Ustazah. Nada Kamal
Arabic Language Lecturer
Ustazah. Hanyat Isa
Quranic Studies Instructor
Our Partners & Supporters
Our Partners
" Building a strong bridge between the Mother Country of Egypt to all Islamic world"
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How do I start?
The first step is to enroll & fill out a quick form then we will take care of the rest.
Are the lessons recorded?
Yes. All lessons are recorded and uploaded in your classroom.Â
Do the classes fit my schedule?
Yes. You pick the time that suits you best. Teachers are available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.Â